Wednesday, December 16, 2015


     You’re improving in your gift-giving skills! You know what I want and delivered! Yey! Thank you for the cutie patootie hello kitty tag-along and the blue customized bookmark! “I know you love to read so here,” you said as you handed me the bookmark shyly. I will forever keep this bookmark and always think of you when I read! :3 :*

      I’m encouraged to buy more books! Soon! When I have the budget for it, I will buy paperbacks.

      Nothing beats the feel of the pages, the spine and the smell of books! The caress of turning pages cannot compare to ebooks although I admit ebooks are very handy especially if I have to wait for the traffic to ease. But when I’m leisurely reading at home then I really want the real thing.

Photo Post # 3

Been really busy lately with work and events and practices and deadlines! We barely had time for each other. :( I do hope we'll have another adventure soon. I miss being carefree.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Of fears on being in love

“What’s it like to be in love?” May asked.

Lucy’s smile was sad. “It’s the most wonderful and terrible thing that can ever happen to you,” she said simply.

“You know that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever, and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it.”


        This has been my path every since I started my current relationship. I'm not saying I never feared losing my past boyfriends when we were together but this time it feels different. I'm more scared than I was before and I feel this is more fragile compared to the others. I can totally relate to what Lucy said about "...every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it." I'm torn between simply saying what's on my mind and doing what I want to do and controlling what I say out loud to avoid conflict when the atmosphere is charged with tension. For the most part, I say things before I think and it usually ends in arguments. I am being reminded that I should be sensitive to the people around me, especially those close to me so that I won't unnecessarily hurt their feelings. I also have to lower my pride a notch. After all, pride can't hug me back. Hahaha kidding! A healthy amount of pride is okay (I guess) for self preservation but an unhealthy level of pride sure ruins relationships. If I don't want to lose this relationship (you have no idea...or maybe you do.. on how much I want this to work) then I must adjust, too. I will keep being myself but also be sensitive to his feelings so that we can stay in harmony. Or if I have concerns, I better phrase them properly to avoid misunderstandings that cause conflicts.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My lullaby

Twist and turn
My mind’s churning
So many crowding thoughts
Trying to suppress but got caught

Caught in this trap that got me on hold
Overthinking, I think it’s called
Twist and turn
Oh how to get away?

You reached me through invisible signals
I hear your even breathing
That small, seemingly insignificant hushing
Stretching to reach a deep part of me
Caressing my troubled melancholy

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sadness issues

"You are never too young or too mature to be so sad. Your distress is not less than somebody else's just because they seem to have been through more. No matter what triggers you, if you are hurting, your suffering is important. Regardless of how stupid or trivial you may think the reason is, if you feel down, do not be afraid or embarrassed to reach out. You do not need to prove or spell out your depression to the world in order to be cared for. Most often, silence is more dangerous than scars. If somebody says you don't look exhausted, tired or disturbed enough, please ask them to go screw themselves. Nobody gets to tell you how much heartache or agony is 'enough' for you to finally start seeking help. Do not ever be ashamed of asking for attention. Remember, your pain is valid. You are significant."

- Teresa A. Braggs

Oftentimes I feel that my grief should be justified. That if I feel sad for something, it should be great enough so I'll have the right to feel sad or to just stop being happy and wallow in sadness. To feel the negative emotion in order for me to release it and take a step towards recovery. People always compare their hardships to mine which makes mine sound insignificant. I feel that I lost the right to be sad because others have it worse which results to me bottling it all up. I won't be able to release it. This bottled up negativity will suddenly explode under the slight hint of pressure or another "tragedy" that results into further conflict or misunderstanding with the people who triggered it. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Infectious laugh

His laugh is so infectious and real that it makes me happy just hearing it. It makes me want to do stuff that would make him laugh like that.

You're my freak

"You're a classical cellist whose parents are old punk rockers. You're a total freak. But you're my freak."

- Adam, Where She Went

This line from Where She Went made me smile because it reminds of the times my partner calls me funny names and adds, “But you’re my <insert insulting/funny name here>.” It’s cheesy and all but it still makes my heart flutter.

 I’m currently reading Where She Went and I’m hooked. The story of If I Stay and Where She Went is sad and tragic but not in a heavy way. You know how depressing their situation is but it’s told in a way that doesn’t make you feel sad in a bad way. It’s a hopeful kind of sad. I can’t totally explain it but the movie felt heavier compared to the book. The drama and emotions felt heavy in the movie compared to the book. I like it all the same and I’m looking forward to unraveling the story in Where She Went

Thursday, October 29, 2015


        Kwek-kwek (the orange balls) is one of the many Philippine street food you can eat. It’s actually boiled egg with an orange “breading” or “coating” mixed with guso (a kind of seaweed/sea plant) and cucumbers. You put vinegar and salt to taste. :)

        My college life has been filled with eating street food in between classes because it’s yummy and affordable! It’s a kind of “fast food” because you just take your pick and start devouring. Saves time and money especially on students who have tight budgets and short breaks. ;)

        Oh, just don’t eat it everyday or overdo it because it’s not healthy. :D If you can afford healthy food and you have more time in your hands then do avail of those healthy meals. Always keep a balanced diet!


"I thought of the tuning fork I used to adjust my cello. Hitting it sets off vibrations in the note of A - vibrations that keep growing, and growing, until the harmonic pitch fills up the room. That's what Adam's grin was doing to me during dinner.”

-Mia, If I Stay


         I think I can imagine how Mia feels when she described how Adam makes her feel. I can’t quite put it into words what I sometimes feel for CJ but I guess this part does. Mostly though it’s more like a warm, swelling feeling inside that makes me burst with love for the person. Other times I have this strong urge to sink my teeth on his squishy flesh because I feel gigil over him. Is that crazy?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Thoughts # 10

I wish I can say you're my answered prayer but you're not. I was not looking for a partner so I didn't have specific prayers on that matter but still God gave you to me without me asking.  
photo source

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thoughts # 9

You look too far ahead that you forget to live in the present. Your eyes are seeking far but fail to see what is immediate.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Of figuring things out

They say it's okay not to figure things out at this age.. but I don't want to get complacent either. I don't want to suddenly wake up and realize I'm already 30 and still facing the same problems of figuring things out. I don't want to be caught unawares that my time slipped through my fingers.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Thoughts # 8

“Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself - what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing. Recreate and repeat. - Warsan Shire”

Painting by The Art of Corrie Chiswell


Another explanation why I love taking pictures. Every detail, every part of the memory or moment must be captured. I can't trust my memory because it tends to create images or scenarios in my head that I want to happen instead of what exactly happened. So as not to miss what really happened and the little details, I snap photos to crystallize those images.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dry creativity

I've been in a slump lately and no inspiration visits me. I'm also going through changes right now so I'm pretty much busy catching up with life and wading my way through the valleys and bends in the road of change. I guess I won't be able to update this blog as often as I want and if I ever do update it, it will be composed of short texts, pictures and screencaps that I can relate to with a bit of explanation from my side. I guess that would have to do for now. I hope some inspiration will visit me soon.

Thoughts # 7

“Patawad sa lahat ng patawad na hindi nakapagtama ng mali,

nakapag-ulit ng natapos,

nakabawi ng nasayang,

o nakapawi ng sakit.

Patawad dahil ang tanging naibigay ay

patawad lang.” —Hana O.

Photo from yaraelarini’s ig

For some reason, I really find it hard to say sorry when I feel like I did nothing wrong and I'm also hurt in the process. I guess I have a high sense of "self preservation" wherein I must save my feelings first before thinking if I also hurt the person. I better do something about it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Relationship goal # 6

When conversations about the future always include “we” and “us”. :”>

Thoughts # 6

Masakit isipin na yung akala mo buo pa, yun pala wala na.

Photograph and Words by : Mayel Tapic

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Relationship goal # 5

Take lots of pictures to remember the places we traveled together.


Anywhere is fine as long as I'm with you. :3

Forever awkward. :3

Self-examination on being an introvert

        Introverts are known to be anti-social. We appear that way, yes. A friend even asked if we can be “trained” in dealing with crowds. I believe to some extent, yes. When it goes down to business and work, we socialize according to the demands of the task/s at hand. But at the end of the day, we crave solitude. We need to recharge ourselves in our haven of peace, books, movies, series or whatever solo activity we enjoy.

        Although we can be trained for work that needs to deal with people at times, we struggle more to get used to new people compared to extroverts. We do it out of duty for the most part.

        Moreover, being an introvert is a matter of preference. While we can deal with groups if we have to, our preference still lies in the comfort of a few close friends. I admit, crowds really drain my energy. Instead of going to parties with half the people strangers to me, I’d rather stay at home and read books or watch anime or play computer games. Perhaps chit-chat with a friend and ask them how they’re doing. I can also opt to meet with a friend I haven’t seen in a while or a few close ones for dinner or coffee; just catching up.

        I admit that loneliness seeps in sometimes. But I can deal with that. Better to feel lonely at times than lost in a sea of people. Meeting new people is fun but please spare us the crowd. A few ones at a time is good, thank you very much.

        So now you know that being an introvert is not something that should be fixed. It’s a preference we’re born in. We can adapt to groups and get along well with people, but at the end of the day, we prefer peace. Our preference stays the same. We recharge our reserves through solo activities or time with a few loved ones. On a personal level, we would rather be with a few people, preferably close friends. That’s just who we are.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Missing someone

“I miss you terribly… do you feel the same way?”

A sentence she couldn’t have uttered because of her pride. But pride has no place in a heart so lonely & cold. Her ghostly hands reaching for that which she cannot touch.

Thoughts # 5

I suddenly understand why some people are afraid of happiness… because something is bound to happen that will even out the good things that are happening.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My thunderstorm

Aren’t thunderstorms fascinating?
They render me speechless
Surprised beyond words
I am stilled by its dangerous beauty

Entranced I stare
The dangers pushed at
The dark corners of my mind
Not minding my own safety

Much like you
My instincts smell pain
My mind tells me to be cautious

But I can’t help myself
I just stare as I get closer
Closer until I’m on your path
Unaware of when you’ll strike

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thoughts # 4

Portions of your life are like plants. You have to water them and fertilize them in order for them to grow and bear fruit. Don’t expect fruits, beautiful flowers and a bountiful garden on an area or areas where you least give your attention to.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Faces and fluffy ears!

I’ve always liked objects that have cute faces or ears or tail. Something that makes the objects alive or adorable to look at. I take it for granted that I simply love them for their cuteness. I fail to see that perhaps there is a deeper root to this preference in nonliving things (or I’m just looking into it too much).

Admit it, you can’t deny that such things with cute ears or cute faces are gigil-worthy even if perhaps you find it weird. I, for one, can’t help but pick them up and have a close inspection of their features. I even make stories of how or why such things are assigned such faces.

One day, I have this sudden thought that maybe this liking for “personified” objects stemmed from my lonely childhood. Youngest among four siblings and having 10, 13 and 14 years gap from my older siblings left me alone most of my childhood years. Aggravated by strict Asian parents, I was incarcerated at home so I only play with toys all by myself. I was also introduced to the computer at an early age so I’ve been a gamer ever since. Huhuhu eyes, I’m sorry! Sometimes, our maid would play with me but it always ended up with me being tricked by them (they hide & I panic thinking they left me alone at home). I was always “shunned” by my older siblings during my grade school years because they don’t want me to join the grownups (uppity!). As I grew older I understood that it is kind of a pain in the butt to have a little girl following you around when you want to look cool while having fun with friends. I enjoyed or learned to enjoy my own company with stuffed animals, computer and books. Yes! Books! They are like portals to another world or place! They have helped me survive my dreary days until now.

After recalling these memories, I came to the conclusion that perhaps the reason why I like personified objects is because they seem to provide company for me. They ease the ache inside of being alone. I probably sound pathetic right now but I do have friends but the preference still sticks. I remember the innumerable times I wish that animals can talk or I can talk to animals. I also hoped that I can communicate with plants or even with objects (haha Will Vandom from W.I.T.C.H.)! TBH, I actually name the stuff that I always use or my favorites. My favorite or everyday bag, my laptop (Blake Belladona from RWBY) and other things I lost count of. I urge them on and sometimes thank them for a job well done (hahaha, I bet I sound crazy). But if you ever share the same sentiments or the same taste in personified objects, feel free to talk to me, okay?

Here are some of my stuff who are "personified."
Newly bought kitty mug with a mischievous look. I can't go home without it after spotting it at the department store!
Rilakkuma inspired pouch for my camera!
Panda hoodie from le bf! 1st Christmas gift from him! He sure knows I like such cuties. ^_^

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Taking chances

“Meow! My name’s MiSi and I’m Silo’s new companion! We met by fate at the arcade when she fought her way through the masses of airy, rubbery objects just to save me from my demise. What a heroic feat of determination and concentration! Among all the prisoners hanging in front of her, she chose to save me. ME! That was a day I will never forget! I will be a loyal and fun companion to her forever!”

Thank you for that introduction, MiSi! I am touched by how you see that chance encounter. MiSi here is my first (and hopefully not the last) toy I got from an arcade game. Her name is derived from mini Silo since I see her as a mini me due to her wide, all teeth smile and happy eyes which resemble me.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to win a toy (preferably a plushy) from arcade games. This desire intensified when I see guys winning games and giving their prizes to their girls. I admit, I am envious of such scenes and truth be told, nobody played a game to win a prize for me (hahahuhu). I tell myself I don’t need someone to win something for me, I will win prizes for myself. Since then, I tried arcade games, UFO catchers and other similar contraptions to win a prize. To my dismay, I never won. I look longingly at people who play and got meters of tickets flowing from the game they’re playing… like how on Earth do you do that?!

Finally, I’ve given up on UFO catchers since they’re expensive and tricky. Lately, I’ve been trying my hand with games related to throwing/darts. Last Sunday, as I was exiting the restroom, I spotted the pop balloons game inside the arcade near the restroom. To my delight, they refilled the balloons so there’s a bigger chance of hitting them. I was having second thoughts on whether I should go for it or nah since I was in a hurry but for some reason, something was pulling me towards the arcade. Something was telling me that I should give it a go plus I don’t get to have this chance everyday. So I bought a ticket for the game. I was so nervous, my palms all cold and sweaty and slightly shaking. I only have 3 tries and that’s it. So I threw the darts with the concentration and determination I can muster under such nerve-racking circumstances. Lo and behold! The person-in-charge said I can choose a stuffed toy for a prize! I was so delighted by this new experience that I took my time choosing a prize. I want it to be worthwhile, something that I really like and not just choose for the heck of it. I scanned the plushies hanged around the play area and spotted a grey happy cat with a red bell collar. There were other similar plushies like it but they were in Barney-purple so NO. It was the only one left of its color so I pointed it to the person-in-charge. He unhooked it from the rail and handed it to me which I received gratefully, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. YES! SUCCESS! I finally won an arcade prize! 

I can’t stop reveling at what happened. The “bitterness” inside receded a bit and a faint hope bloomed inside me like sunflowers on a cloudy day. I know this may seem trivial, childish and nonsense to most but this little victory means a lot to me. I had almost given up hope that I would ever win at such games and here is MiSi, evidence that I did it. Hopefully there will be more similar games/instances where I can win prizes not only for myself but also for people I care about.