It’s crazy how we hesitate to contact someone despite having mobile phones to easily reach out to another. I look back at the times when people frantically take turns in the telephone or excitedly call their friend over the telephone when something exciting happened. People make an effort to communicate since the communication tools before are limited. We make an effort to make letters and patiently wait for it to arrive. We took the extra effort knowing it is the only way that our feelings will reach another.
Now, with all the technology so we can easily reach out to another, we hesitate. We upload pictures & videos so we can better show them what we want to convey which is good but it’s become impersonal. We post waiting for someone to react. We scan through our feed and stalk or passively take note of the updates of our friends’ lives. With all the info we can access about other people, we take communicating with them directly for granted. We just browse through their updates instead of asking about them.
Another thing, people are lazy in replying or answering questions about how they’re doing nowadays because they already updated their profile or their timeline. They will put the person asking in the “seenzone” or tell them to refer to his/her timeline for updates. Sometimes they answer but they keep it short since they don’t want to repeat themselves about their updates.
We are so busy with different diversions; different things technology has to offer that we forget the reason why these are invented. Innovations are made so we can better communicate and reach out to others but for the most part, the effect is the opposite. We are so busy with them that we forget to have true communication with our friends.
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